
The department of Electrical Engineering established in 1980, includes 35 full-time professors, 41 students in doctoral program, 299 in master’s program and 426 in undergraduates program. We focus on all areas of electrical engineering, including integrated circuits and systems, solid state, system and biomedical engineering, and electromagnetic waves. We have the accreditation from IEET since 2009. With excellent faculties and equipment, multiple teaching, and outstanding researches, we develop the best learning environment.



Each required subject, selective subject, and general education course is programmed based on the purpose of education, four fundamental competences, core competence and features in different research fields, in order to fulfill the spirit of our department’s goal.

Student Association of EE and IEEE NCU Student Branch are the two main clubs that our students participate in. Both of them are founded, evaluated and financial supported by Office of Student Affairs.

The director and the vice director of Student Association are the 3rd grade students. Other staffs are the 2nd grade. They actively hold various activities, for example, orientation camp, farewell party, and Christmas party. Moreover, they join many other events and competition, such as NCU Sports Day, and intercollegiate activities and assist other clubs to hold their events.

IEEE NCU Student Branch was founded in December 2005. With teachers’ guide, they study and share IEEE Spectrum’s articles with other students to foster critical thinking and improve their English. Also, they hold corporate visit and communicate with other branches abroad.



Alumni Association of EE established director committee and supervisor committee. They call the meeting randomly to discuss activities arrangement, alumni scholarship, and alumni donation. They cooperate with the department and Student Association every year to hold sports game, alumni reunion, graduates forum. In addition, they invite alumni every one to two months to share with their working experience and current industry situation. These events will gel the department and enhance students’ competitiveness.



In order to cultivate students’ profession, we, EE department, continue to discuss and adjust the plans of our courses’ design. To enhance students’ competences of practical experiences and implementations of theories, we focus on equipping experimental courses with teaching lab and study lab in regular courses. For lab equipment, the expensive Semiconductor Nanostructure lab, FMI lab, Electromagnetic waves inspection and computer station are accessible to teachers and students preserving the spirit of sharing resources and cooperation.